Your heart and brains in transformation

Break out of rigid work structures and reconnect

Let this be a process of finding space, clarity and connectivity we embark on together.

I'm here to guide innovative tech companies, their teams, leaders and employees through business transformation trajectories based on 3 pillars:


Mutual trust and cooperation
between team members as a strong base


Knowledge seeking & sharing, structuring and courageous decision making 


Individuals being allowed to be safe and to shine in both vulnerability and strength

Trust and experience this will lead to long term sustainable growth, happiness & agility! Invest in people, connect teams, unleash their creativity and watch the beauty of self-empowerment & intrinsic innovation. 

I bring in the tools & structure, you bring the knowledge and commitment and we are set!

Overcome your obstacles

Throughout my own 14 year career in engineering and sales & marketing at established corporates and scale ups,
I have seen the rise of increasing inefficient, slow, time and money consuming R&D, marketing & sales processes,
putting more and more strain on individuals, teams and leaders.


Bring back focus

It is no secret, people are finding it harder to focus when there are no clear priorities.

Find Common purpose

Team members need to feel carried by the team and the common purpose, a sense of belonging

Allow creativity

Bring back creativity in everyday work life by allowing time to be inspired and room for idea growth

Reduce work stress

Overload of tasks, to-do lists & lack of the previous 3 points result in high work stress


Not taking enough care of the above obstacles, can lead to large scale demotivation, tunnel vision and often in burn-outs and high employee turn-over. And eventually this will show in declining business results such as reduced customer satisfaction, not being able to catch up with competitors or the market. It will put even more emphasis on short-term "to do lists" and this closes the negative loop.

Get out of the loop

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As you are reading this, your are taking the first steps to jump out of that spinning wheel, to take a pause and regain CONNECTIVITY & CLARITY  and to build a strong FOUNDATION or common goal.

Let me be your heart and brains to host you through this process. 

So for whom is this for?

For multidisciplinary teams and individuals in innovative tech companies working on projects with a high degree of complexity. 


Multidisciplinary teams & individuals

Teams and individuals from various backgrounds and disciplines working together on a larger project such as

  • technical roles (R&D, product development, technical support)

  • business roles (sales/marketing)

  • support roles (backoffice, logistics, legal, etc)

  • leadership

Innovative technical companies

Companies, divisions or teams having innovation in their DNA and bringing technological products or services to the market with a clear willingness to contribute to sustainable business development, internally and externally.

High degree of complexity

Projects and processes with a high degree of technical, organisational and commercial complexity such as:

R&D incubator projects, product development and product launch pipelines (NPI), product portfolio management, market intelligence & market penetration projects, new business development & partnerships, project management processes (i.e tenders), change management etc


I trust you,

you can trust me

With 15 years of experience, as an engineer (ir.) and as senior sales/marketing professional, I have been closely involved in both the technical, business and leadership side of a large industrial corporate and scale up which allows me to think and support from all angles.

Creating insights, structuring and planning is
what I do best
( = my brains)
Stimulating trust and a common sense of beloning
is my passion ( = my heart)

We embark on a journey

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Using our hearts.

It all starts with finding common grounds. In understanding each others strengths and weaknesses, we create a safe space to share, support & celebrate. We build a solid framework of complimentary joint forces towards the same goal. I support this process through individual and team sessions where everyone is sharing responsibility.

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Using our brains.

First we take it as wide as possible, listen, bring everything to the table, search for more insights if needed. We add structure and create a logic overview. The hard but necessary part is to make tough decisions in our steps forward. We synthesize the chosen strategy. I coach the team to make it happen.


Choose your starting point

Explore trajectories


e-Book “the offline brain in Covid Business times”
Free inspirational read

About the importance of the creative offline mindset, especially in current challenging business times. Based on a Belgian study. Includes tips and tricks how to get started with sustainable business transformation.

Fully Facilitated Team Trajectory

a journey of several weeks/months

For multidisciplinary teams and their leaders* who can use an endorsed guide in connectivity and clarity in making the required steps to elevate their team and innovation projects to a higher level of sustainable succes. My brains and heart dig in deep and support you along the whole business transformation process.
Fully Customizable.

* individual trajectories also possible upon request

Kickstart Trajectory

2-5 days

Together with the project lead and key team members we analyse the current innovation challenge, from technical, organisational and/or business perspective and bring it down to an actionable roadmap for more team connectivity and clarity. We kickstart your business transformation journey.

Download free e-book
”the offline brain in covid business times

Let’s transform your business

I’ll be with you every step of the way.